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Resume: Oil well and gas well service and repair Orenburg: 6 resumes

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Оператор ОСк

Oil and gas production operator  |  Oil well and gas well service and repair  |  Orenburg  18/11/22

Оператор по добыче нефти и газа

Oil and gas production operator  |  Oil well and gas well service and repair  |  Orenburg  22/07/21

Супервайзер ТКРС

Well repair supervisor  |  Oil well and gas well service and repair  |  Orenburg  07/11/20

Оператор днг 3 разряда

Oil and gas production operator  |  Oil well and gas well service and repair  |  Orenburg  25/08/20

Помощник бурильщика. Мастер КРС

Oil and gas well repair  |  Oil well and gas well service and repair  |  Orenburg  03/11/19

Оператор по добыче нефти и газа

Oil and gas production operator  |  Oil well and gas well service and repair  |  Orenburg  13/09/19

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