>  Advanced search > Krasnogorsk > 
results by industry : 12 560 positions
 > results by function

Service - 11 403

Retailing, Wholesaling - 2 477

Consumer goods selling - 1 132

Food, beverage, tobacco selling - 229

Clothing, shoes selling - 132

Cosmetics, perfumery selling - 37

Sport articles selling - 20

Leisure, tourist, hunting, fishing articles selling - 1

Household machinery, electronics selling - 53

Household products selling - 32

Medicine selling - 57

Drugstore - 48

Eyeglasses selling - 11

Jewelry selling - 17

Cut flowers selling - 19

Souvenirs, gifts selling - 4

Goods for children selling - 29

Cloth selling - 2

Supermarket, hypermarket - 118

Leather accessories, costume jewelry selling - 1

Books selling - 5

Office supplies selling - 6

Glasses selling - 1

Auto selling - 47

Industrial and professional equipment and tools selling - 28

Engineering equipment selling - 7

Construction materials selling - 25

Finishing materials selling - 6

Furniture and interior items selling - 73

Forest products selling - 1

Fuel, motor oil, lubricants selling - 100

Metal products selling - 1

Medical supplies selling - 3

Packaging products selling - 1

Spare parts selling - 7

Motor boats selling - 1

Other - 14

Technical treatment, support, repair - 583

Car service - 203

Equipment service, repair - 194

Building engineering systems service - 135

Plumbing - 51

City utility maintenance - 1

Technical diagnostic, survey service - 3

Clothes repair - 3

Shoe repair - 1

Railroad technical service - 1

Furniture, household appliance installation - 4

Financial services - 103

Audit, accounting services - 156

Advertising services - 103

Marketing services and statistics - 42

Merchandising services - 112

Mass media, publishing - 16

Telecommunications - 36

Information Technologies - 258

Construction, assembling, refurbishment - 734

Building construction - 27

Utilities construction and repair - 107

Special machinery, construction machinery services, rental - 42

Precast concrete construction - 15

Metal frames assembling and dismantling - 13

Equipment assembling and dismantling, start-up - 6

Landscape construction - 15

Testing, measurement, automation systems assembling - 2

Electricity network assembling - 35

Interior refurbishment - 8

House windows, doors installing - 19

Construction quality control - 10

Construction finishing - 110

Roof making - 5

Waterproofing work - 1

Construction groundwork - 7

Construction pile work - 2

Concrete work - 70

Bricklaying - 9

Industrial construction - 4

Industrial climbing - 3

Owner-builder - 7

Warehouse racking assembling - 1

Scaffolding assembling - 6

Fence construction - 1

Other - 1

Services in energy and mining industry - 9

Transportation Services and Logistics - 2 755

Education, training - 188

Engineering-related services, Science - 120

Art, design, show business - 71

Entertainment - 33

Tourism, air and rail tickets selling - 7

Hotels, Lodging - 67

Restaurants, Food services - 974

Beauty - 100

Sports, Recreation - 85

Health care services - 407

Legal services - 50

Real estate services - 73

Recruitment - 187

Career services - 12

Consulting - 17

Government, state offices - 31

Military, police, guarding, rescue - 152

Utilities - 15

Personal and household services - 3

Various services - 415

Other - 21

Manufacturing - 1 152

Consumer goods manufacturing - 305

Construction materials production - 10

Finishing materials production - 4

Energy - 51

Petrochemical production - 3

Chemical production - 1

Pharmaceuticals, medical supplies production - 4

Minerals, mining (except Energy) - 2

Open pit - 1

Metallurgy - 14

Forestry and forest products - 14

Furniture and supplements production - 77

High-Tech - 16

Military production - 7

Machinery, equipment and tools manufacturing - 168

Printing - 10

Agricultural production - 49

Fishery, fish products - 4

Wild nature products - 1

Various manufacturing - 11

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