>  Advanced search > Machinery, equipment and tools manufacturing Samara > 
results by function : 1 201 positions
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Blue-collar - 1 124

Driver - 6

Services professionals - 9

Receiving clerk - 2

Cook - 1

Waiter - 1

Runner - 1

Cleaning worker - 1

Yard cleaner - 4

Production worker - 927

Technological equipment operator - 86

Smith - 25

Turner - 292

Milling machine operator - 134

Wood or metal work drilling worker - 2

Gear cutting machine operator - 3

Production welder - 96

Production quality control - 4

Production technician - 1

Production painter - 63

Production assembling - 77

Foundry worker - 3

Pourer - 3

Fettler - 1

Weld dressing - 3

Metal cutting - 23

Baker - 3

Meat processing worker - 1

Fish processing worker - 1

Filleter - 1

Production tinsmith - 8

Grinder - 62

Galvanizer - 4

Etcher - 2

Production marker - 3

Production marking - 1

Emery paper - 1

Cable binding - 11

Handler - 1

Pressing - 1

Impregnator - 2

Rolled metal corrector - 1

Finisher - 2

Preparer - 1

Construction worker - 95

Assembling, installation - 17

Car service specialist - 4

Equipment and machinery technician - 24

Loader - 2

Warehouse worker - 2

Sorter, replenisher - 4

Packager, packer - 5

Packager - 4

Packer - 1

Drilling worker - 1

Crane operator - 3

Gas cutter - 3

Sling operator - 2

Unskilled worker - 15

Defects valuation - 2

Cutter - 1

Other - 1

Sales - 2

Administrative work, office work - 15

Engineer - 47

IT - 2

Security, guarding, police - 4

Marketing - 2

Art - 1

Consulting - 1

Farming - 2

Harvester - 2

Ship crew - 1

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