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results by industry : 149 091 resumes
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Service - 129 95687.17%

Retailing, Wholesaling - 15 60510.47%

Consumer goods selling - 5 0703.40%

Food, beverage, tobacco selling - 1 7611.18%

Clothing, shoes selling - 3810.26%

Cosmetics, perfumery selling - 4200.28%

Sport articles selling - 260.02%

Bicycle selling - 30.00%

Leisure, tourist, hunting, fishing articles selling - 180.01%

Household machinery, electronics selling - 2130.14%

Household products selling - 3370.23%

Medicine selling - 3940.26%

Drugstore - 2000.13%

Eyeglasses selling - 450.03%

Jewelry selling - 800.05%

Cut flowers selling - 320.02%

Souvenirs, gifts selling - 310.02%

Goods for children selling - 840.06%

Toys selling - 350.02%
Children clothing, shoes selling - 90.01%
Baby food selling - 110.01%
Other - 50.00%

Cloth selling - 520.03%

Supermarket, hypermarket - 1390.09%

Leather accessories, costume jewelry selling - 370.02%

Books selling - 230.02%

Art sale - 30.00%

Periodicals selling - 190.01%

Office supplies selling - 1410.09%

Clock, watch selling - 30.00%

Photo items selling - 20.00%

Needlework supplies store - 200.01%

Sewing supplies store - 40.00%

Art supplies store - 70.00%

Hobby store - 70.00%

Sex shop - 10.00%

Glasses selling - 20.00%

Antiques store - 10.00%

Christmas trees selling - 10.00%

City market - 10.00%

Other - 2510.17%

Auto selling - 2710.18%

Cars, trucks selling - 820.05%

Auto parts selling - 640.04%

Tyres, alloys selling - 120.01%

Auto paint selling - 10.00%

Autochemicals selling - 40.00%

Car accessories selling - 70.00%

Moto selling - 30.00%

Other - 60.00%

Industrial and professional equipment and tools selling - 7500.50%

Telecommunications, radio equipment selling - 110.01%

Professional computer equipment selling - 110.01%

Office equipment and consumables selling - 100.01%

Food equipment selling - 130.01%

Retail equipment selling and service, vending - 4220.28%

Production equipment selling - 130.01%

Professional and industrial tools selling - 190.01%

Testing, measurement, control, electronic parts selling - 120.01%

Electrical equipment and components selling - 700.05%

Medical equipment and tools selling - 150.01%

Massage equipment selling - 20.00%

Road construction, construction machinery and equipment selling - 90.01%

Special machinery, equipment and parts selling - 260.02%

Agricultural and garden machinery selling - 100.01%

Agricultural equipment selling - 30.00%

Pumping equipment selling - 10.00%

Oil and gas equipment selling - 80.01%

Refrigeration equipment selling - 10.00%

Energy equipment selling - 40.00%

Warehouse equipment selling - 20.00%

Electronic components selling - 50.00%

Beauty and wellness equipment selling - 50.00%

Stage, lighting, sound equipment, scenery selling, rental, assembling - 70.00%

Musical instruments selling - 10.00%

Car service equipment selling - 20.00%

HoReCa equipment selling - 30.00%

Filtering equipment selling - 10.00%

Welding equipment, supplies selling - 20.00%

Guns selling - 10.00%

Means of defense selling - 10.00%

Ship equipment, spare parts selling - 10.00%

Railway equipment, spare parts selling - 10.00%

Geodetic equipment selling - 10.00%

Compressor equipment selling - 10.00%

Hydraulics selling - 10.00%

Filling station equipment selling - 10.00%

Other - 140.01%

Engineering equipment selling - 1410.09%

Construction materials selling - 2200.15%

Finishing materials selling - 550.04%

Furniture and interior items selling - 1750.12%

Forest products selling - 120.01%

Plants, seeds, garden and agricultural chemicals selling - 350.02%

Seeds selling - 150.01%

Fuel, motor oil, lubricants selling - 3350.22%

Oil products selling - 2520.17%

Filling station - 1760.12%

Lubricants selling - 90.01%

Liquefied petroleum gas selling - 60.00%

Coal selling - 10.00%

Bunkering - 300.02%

Other - 40.00%

Metal products selling - 960.06%

Medical supplies selling - 660.04%

Chemical, petrochemical products selling - 230.02%

Glass products selling - 60.00%

Packaging products selling - 220.01%

Paper products selling - 240.02%

Furniture, windows components selling - 90.01%

Aluminum profile selling - 10.00%

Ship chandler - 50.00%

Materials for advertising production selling - 110.01%

Spare parts selling - 420.03%

Printing materials selling - 100.01%

Commission shop - 120.01%

Farm animal feed selling - 20.00%

Other - 1 2180.82%

Technical treatment, support, repair - 4 1512.78%

Car service - 4460.30%

Equipment service, repair - 1 2410.83%

Computers and office equipment service, repair - 1170.08%

Radio electronic, telecommunication equipment service, repair - 680.05%

Household machinery and electronics service, repair - 690.05%

Low voltage networks service, repair - 460.03%

Testing, measurement, automation systems service, repair - 1090.07%

Transport means service, repair (except cars) - 520.03%

Construction equipment, machinery service, repair - 270.02%

Special machinery service, repair - 260.02%

Agricultural and garden machinery service, repair - 40.00%

Warehouse, lifting equipment service, repair - 90.01%

Refrigeration equipment service, repair - 500.03%

Air condition equipment service, repair - 120.01%

Electrical equipment service, repair - 2560.17%

Oil and gas equipment service, repair - 350.02%

Energy equipment service, repair - 460.03%

Boiler house equipment service, repair - 190.01%

Medical equipment service, repair - 70.00%

Aircraft maintenance, repair - 330.02%

Metal shaping equipment service, repair - 40.00%

Elevator service, selling, assembling - 240.02%

Metallurgical works equipment service, repair - 30.00%

Mining equipment service, repair - 190.01%

Engine service, repair - 330.02%

ATM, payment terminals service, repair - 50.00%

Military equipment service, repair - 60.00%

Pump service, repair - 150.01%

Compressor service, repair - 80.01%

Hydraulics service, repair - 20.00%

Clock hospital - 20.00%

Welding equipment service, repair - 30.00%

Cash register service, repair - 30.00%

Sewing equipment service, repair - 20.00%

Bicycle service, repair - 20.00%

Other - 240.02%

Building engineering systems service - 1 4710.99%

Plumbing - 1740.12%

City utility maintenance - 490.03%

Snow removal - 40.00%

Technical diagnostic, survey service - 660.04%

Clothes repair - 90.01%

Shoe repair - 290.02%

Railroad technical service - 900.06%

Anti-corrosion protection - 310.02%

Abrasive blasting - 80.01%

Fireproofing - 70.00%

Disinfection, disinsection, deratization - 330.02%

Disinfection - 230.02%

Furniture, household appliance installation - 320.02%

Locksmith shop - 110.01%

Tinting - 20.00%

Swimming pool service - 10.00%

Other - 1660.11%

Financial services - 2 2741.53%

Commercial banking - 9330.63%

Investment banking - 920.06%

Financial brokerage - 330.02%

Asset management - 400.03%

Insurance company - 1990.13%

Leasing - 210.01%

Custody services - 40.00%

Pension fund - 1020.07%

Processing company - 20.00%

Payment terminals - 50.00%

Money transfer systems - 260.02%

Mortgage broker - 110.01%

Insurance broker - 40.00%

Mortgage company - 50.00%

Shareholder registrar service - 250.02%

Factoring company - 20.00%

Leasing brokerage - 10.00%

Lending cooperative - 100.01%

Microlending - 530.04%

Pawn shop - 550.04%

Gold bullion - 30.00%

Currency exchange - 70.00%

Other - 1210.08%

Audit, accounting services - 1 9891.33%

Advertising services - 4 2272.84%

Advertising placement, PR - 1 4610.98%

Advertising production - 2150.14%

Other - 1 8591.25%

Marketing services and statistics - 2 6771.80%

Merchandising services - 3040.20%

Mass media, publishing - 4 2842.87%

Newspapers, periodicals - 3020.20%

Publishing - 1 1390.76%

Television and radio - 2460.16%

Internet portal, site - 3220.22%

Press office - 270.02%

Other - 9360.63%

Telecommunications - 9100.61%

Internet service provider - 870.06%

Cell phone provider - 1350.09%

Postal services - 1740.12%

Telegraph - 180.01%

Satellite systems - 160.01%

Navigation - 30.00%

Vehicle tracking - 50.00%

Telematics - 60.00%

Telephone company - 680.05%

Cable TV - 100.01%

Radio communication - 150.01%

Electrical communication - 150.01%

Information Technologies - 10 1826.83%

Construction, assembling, refurbishment - 15 95910.70%

Building construction - 1 1170.75%

Utilities construction and repair - 2 6831.80%

Special machinery, construction machinery services, rental - 4350.29%

Precast concrete construction - 1360.09%

Metal frames assembling and dismantling - 2220.15%

Equipment assembling and dismantling, start-up - 1250.08%

Landscape construction - 1340.09%

Testing, measurement, automation systems assembling - 400.03%

Electricity network assembling - 4710.32%

Interior refurbishment - 2590.17%

House windows, doors installing - 530.04%

PVC products installing - 80.01%

Construction quality control - 1700.11%

Construction finishing - 6060.41%

Roof making - 660.04%

Waterproofing work - 30.00%

Heat proofing work - 320.02%

Construction groundwork - 3190.21%

Inwash - 590.04%

Blasting, drilling work - 350.02%

Driving, drifting, tunneling work - 490.03%

Construction pile work - 250.02%

Foundation construction - 110.01%

Construction drilling - 180.01%

Horizontal drilling - 120.01%

Concrete work - 560.04%

Bricklaying - 450.03%

Industrial construction - 9300.62%

Sports facilities construction - 100.01%

Military facilities construction - 360.02%

Construction restoration - 330.02%

Building refurbishment, reconstruction - 950.06%

Industrial climbing - 750.05%

Owner-builder - 350.02%

Building demolition - 130.01%

Underground construction - 300.02%

Warehouse racking assembling - 40.00%

Diamond concrete drilling, sawing - 40.00%

Scaffolding assembling - 130.01%

Fence construction - 80.01%

Other - 2460.16%

Services in energy and mining industry - 1 3690.92%

Transportation Services and Logistics - 14 2999.59%

Passenger transportation - 6700.45%

Tram - 180.01%

Trolleybus - 110.01%

Bus - 1400.09%

Taxi - 1880.13%

Cargo taxi - 10.00%

Car truck rental - 220.01%

Cargo shipping - 2 8461.91%

Various transport means - 5 7233.84%

Auto transport - 2 0951.41%

Aviation - 3410.23%

Railroad - 9850.66%

Motive power depot - 1180.08%
Railcar depot - 450.03%

Ship transport - 2 0051.34%

Sea transport - 5350.36%
River transport - 1890.13%
Tugboat services - 350.02%
Auxiliary fleet - 200.01%
Rescue ship - 110.01%
Tanker - 720.05%
Dry cargo ship - 160.01%
Other - 20.00%

Pipeline transport - 2220.15%

Subway, tube - 380.03%

Other - 290.02%

Port, terminal, station - 2910.20%

Air terminal, airport - 680.05%

Sea port - 840.06%

River port - 200.01%

Railroad station - 110.01%

Bus station - 30.00%

Grain elevator - 180.01%

Oil terminal - 100.01%

Container terminal - 20.00%

Ecommerce delivery point - 470.03%

Other - 110.01%

Warehousing - 1 1330.76%

Order fulfillment - 20.00%

Oil storage - 750.05%

Customs clearance services - 430.03%

Forwarding - 1780.12%

Rigging, loading services - 3700.25%

Periodicals distribution - 190.01%

Goods distribution - 350.02%

Natural gas storage - 30.00%

Other - 4870.33%

Education, training - 10 5117.05%

Infant education - 1 0780.72%

Kindergarten - 6570.44%

Day nursery - 260.02%

School - 2 2081.48%

Lycee - 890.06%

Gymnasium - 1130.08%

Boarding school - 510.03%

Specialized school - 1340.09%

Cadet corps - 150.01%

Day care center - 70.00%

College - 4350.29%

University - 5160.35%

Center for children - 2500.17%

Extracurricular education - 3740.25%

Youth center - 340.02%

Professional training programs - 2020.14%

Distance learning - 590.04%

Business school - 5540.37%

Pre-college training programs - 130.01%

Tutoring services - 2740.18%

Driving school - 810.05%

Music school - 5260.35%

Singing school - 600.04%

Foreign language school - 2390.16%

Sport school - 700.05%

Student work writing - 680.05%

Dance school - 610.04%

Art school - 1950.13%

Acting school - 230.02%

Orphanage - 1060.07%

Disabled children school - 440.03%

Special school - 230.02%

Children psychiatric center - 190.01%

Career guidance - 60.00%

Paramilitary sport organization - 40.00%

Planetarium - 10.00%

Other - 1170.08%

Engineering-related services, Science - 1 9261.29%

Construction architecture - 2000.13%

Prospecting - 1490.10%

Seismic exploration - 670.04%

Geological exploration - 2550.17%

Hydrogeology - 60.00%

Core drilling - 50.00%

Geophysical exploration - 1070.07%

Energy efficiency and conservation - 320.02%

Energy design - 320.02%

Oil and gas engineering - 650.04%

Chemical industry design - 30.00%

Gas supply design - 50.00%

Mining industry design - 170.01%

Mine survey - 100.01%

City development architecture - 210.01%

Archaeology - 40.00%

Environmental safety - 1320.09%

Meteorology - 100.01%

Metrology - 330.02%

Standardization - 30.00%

Laboratory - 1370.09%

Aviation engineering - 40.00%

Shipbuilding engineering - 50.00%

GIS - 30.00%

Equipment design - 110.01%

Telecom engineering - 70.00%

Testing, measurement, control devices design - 40.00%

Nuclear research - 20.00%

Agricultural engineering - 50.00%

History - 70.00%

Genealogy - 40.00%

Biology - 60.00%

Art, design, show business - 3 0702.06%

Design studio - 4550.31%

Interior design - 760.05%

Web design - 310.02%

3D design studio - 270.02%

Graphic design studio - 570.04%

Floristry and floral design - 460.03%

Fashion - 230.02%

Landscape design - 210.01%

Architectural design - 70.00%

Maquette studio - 70.00%

Decoration services - 330.02%

Other - 90.01%

Movie-video-TV production - 3250.22%

Animation studio - 20.00%

Music - 3260.22%

Recording studio - 230.02%

Dance art - 820.05%

Ballet - 130.01%

Theater - 3150.21%

Puppetry - 110.01%

Musical theatre - 240.02%

Drama theatre - 430.03%

Community arts center - 860.06%

Museum, gallery, art exposition - 1260.08%

Museum - 770.05%

Library - 2710.18%

Painting, graphic, sculpture - 1480.10%

Painting - 1220.08%

Airbrushing - 20.00%

Sculpture - 90.01%

Mosaic - 20.00%

Photography - 2130.14%

Literature - 740.05%

Circus - 120.01%

Dolphinarium - 10.00%

Decorative art - 1020.07%

Theatre, concert tickets selling - 60.00%

Other - 720.05%

Entertainment - 3670.25%

Cinema - 400.03%

Bookmaker - 350.02%

Club - 480.03%

Nightclub - 280.02%

Striptease - 40.00%

Aqua park - 20.00%

Lottery - 50.00%

Entertainment center - 260.02%

Leisure center - 240.02%

Amusement rides - 80.01%

Trampoline park - 10.00%

Karaoke - 40.00%

Billiards - 20.00%

Hookah - 150.01%

Gambling, casino - 170.01%

Games room - 60.00%

Zoo - 40.00%

Quest - 30.00%

Beach - 10.00%

Other - 350.02%

Tourism, air and rail tickets selling - 8220.55%

Visa support - 120.01%

Excursions - 900.06%

Travel agency - 1050.07%

Tour operator - 310.02%

Airline tickets selling - 410.03%

Resort - 330.02%

Cruises - 980.07%

Domestic tourism - 220.01%

Business travel - 110.01%

Hotels, Lodging - 1 0870.73%

Hostel - 1180.08%

Dormitory - 1310.09%

Daily apartments rental - 100.01%

Mini-hotel - 30.00%

Restaurants, Food services - 2 4611.65%

Restaurant - 5450.37%

Cafe - 3130.21%

Dining room - 3020.20%

Fast food - 690.05%

Pizzeria - 240.02%

Catering - 440.03%

Corporate catering - 210.01%

Inflight catering - 50.00%

School catering - 10.00%

Bar - 290.02%

Tea house - 10.00%

Coffee house - 320.02%

Sushi bar - 190.01%

Banquet service - 100.01%

Food delivery - 570.04%

Pancake house - 20.00%

Beauty - 7670.51%

Hair salon, barber shop - 920.06%

Beauty salon - 2830.19%

Image maker services - 140.01%

Nail salon - 510.03%

Solarium - 20.00%

Cosmetology - 1500.10%

Body weight control - 100.01%

Tattoo studio - 30.00%

Other - 450.03%

Sports, Recreation - 1 5061.01%

Fitness - 1450.10%

Sauna - 340.02%

Health resort - 2480.17%

Sports center - 2210.15%

Ice arena - 130.01%

Ice rink - 20.00%

Swimming pool - 440.03%

Sport club - 440.03%

Spa center - 320.02%

Massage parlor - 1950.13%

Recreation resort - 1110.07%

Teen camp - 520.03%

Tennis club - 260.02%

Golf club - 10.00%

Yacht club - 30.00%

Boat station - 10.00%

Yoga - 80.01%

Football club - 400.03%

Hockey club - 310.02%

Busketball club - 50.00%

Fighting sport - 230.02%

Boxing - 90.01%

Shooting club - 30.00%

Sports events - 120.01%

Horse riding - 80.01%

Chess - 140.01%

Rhythmic gymnastics - 110.01%

Artistic gymnastics - 60.00%

Figure skating - 320.02%

Adaptive sports - 80.01%

Ski resort - 40.00%

Other - 240.02%

Health care services - 6 9434.66%

Dental clinic - 4030.27%

Dental prosthetics - 420.03%

Dental laboratory - 830.06%

Emergency medical services - 1400.09%

Polyclinic - 1760.12%

Trauma surgery - 280.02%

Resuscitation - 1150.08%

Hospital - 6110.41%

Children hospital - 240.02%

Psychiatric hospital, psychoneurology - 630.04%

Addiction clinic - 230.02%

Cancer clinic - 280.02%

Military hospital - 250.02%

TB dispensary - 320.02%

Sexual health clinic - 360.02%

District hospital - 490.03%

City hospital - 440.03%

Regional hospital - 160.01%

Infectious diseases hospital - 310.02%

Other - 350.02%

Maternity hospital - 1520.10%

Gynaecology - 250.02%

Urology - 130.01%

Disability testing - 90.01%

Psychotherapy - 2340.16%

Preventive clinic - 850.06%

Ambulatory care - 290.02%

Preventive care - 190.01%

Medical exercise therapy - 480.03%

Veterinary medicine - 1050.07%

Medical center - 5020.34%

Surgery - 800.05%

Medical rehabilitation center - 540.04%

Hearing aids - 90.01%

Physical therapy - 1120.08%

Medical station - 400.03%

Medical laboratory - 680.05%

Medical diagnostics - 2940.20%

Medical department - 250.02%

Cardiology - 250.02%

Ophthalmology - 410.03%

Blood bank - 50.00%

Hemodialysis - 20.00%

Aesthetic medicine - 140.01%

Forensic medicine - 80.01%

Sports medicine - 130.01%

Pediatrics - 410.03%

Human nutrition - 250.02%

Traditional chinese medicine - 20.00%

Neurology - 190.01%

Other - 2440.16%

Legal services - 1 2220.82%

Real estate services - 8030.54%

Recruitment - 4 5283.04%

Crewing - 1020.07%

Housekeeping recruitment agency - 2 3031.54%

Model agency - 1060.07%

Acting agency - 20.00%

Personnel leasing - 880.06%

Career services - 2 2371.50%

Consulting - 8490.57%

Government, state offices - 2 6651.79%

Military, police, guarding, rescue - 5 6783.81%

Utilities - 2090.14%

Personal and household services - 1 6841.13%

Various services - 6 7754.54%

Valuation service - 690.05%

Cargo surveying - 80.01%

Car valuation - 70.00%

Real estate valuation - 60.00%

Stock-taking service - 540.04%

Certification and inspection of goods, services, production - 4070.27%

Patent services - 50.00%

Information services - 8110.54%

Discount system - 70.00%

Meeting Incentive Conference Events - 340.02%

Auction management - 120.01%

Tender management - 100.01%

Commodity, stock, currency exchange - 30.00%

Professional association, entrepreneurial support - 140.01%

Call center - 2370.16%

Wedding services - 40.00%

Dating service - 310.02%

Celebrity services - 590.04%

Cleaning services - 7200.48%

Laundry, dry-cleaning services - 1210.08%

Personal services - 1750.12%

Concierge services - 2990.20%

Auto parking - 210.01%

Translation services - 8970.60%

Copy center - 120.01%

Collection agency - 220.01%

Crisis management - 30.00%

Archive services - 1920.13%

Social protection - 4220.28%

Social, political activities - 300.02%

Zoo business - 950.06%

Pet shop - 300.02%

Pet food shop - 10.00%

Pet grooming - 100.01%

Dog training - 230.02%

Shopfitting - 10.00%

Non-profit organization - 350.02%

Consumers cooperative - 10.00%

Charity - 140.01%

Funeral service - 330.02%

Waste disposal - 170.01%

Underwater operations - 530.04%

Business support outsourcing - 1080.07%

Trade union - 40.00%

Religious organization - 110.01%

Elderly care - 930.06%

Esoterics - 600.04%

Bookbinding service - 110.01%

Average commissioner service - 40.00%

Sports equipment rental - 10.00%

Other - 1 1160.75%

Other - 8 8465.93%

Manufacturing - 41 27927.69%

Consumer goods manufacturing - 7 4655.01%

Food, beverage, tobacco manufacturing - 1 4340.96%

Clothing, shoes manufacturing - 5660.38%

Cosmetics, perfumery manufacturing - 2220.15%

Household machinery, electronics manufacturing - 1490.10%

Household products manufacturing - 3070.21%

Sport articles production - 20.00%

Jewelry production and repair - 470.03%

Faceting - 90.01%

Souvenir production - 780.05%

Engraving - 20.00%

Toys production - 210.01%

Office supplies production - 6030.40%

Bijouterie production - 780.05%

Clock, watch manufacturing - 200.01%

Pet food manufacturing - 100.01%

Glasses manufacturing - 30.00%

Other - 3 1712.13%

Construction materials production - 5470.37%

Finishing materials production - 1230.08%

Energy - 5 4353.65%

Oil and gas production - 3 0792.07%

Oil processing - 2300.15%

Natural gas processing - 930.06%

Electrical power industry - 7350.49%

Heat power industry - 5110.34%

Boiler house - 3080.21%

Coal mining and refining - 2080.14%

Coke production - 50.00%

Other - 1010.07%

Petrochemical production - 3890.26%

Chemical production - 3840.26%

Pharmaceuticals, medical supplies production - 1060.07%

Minerals, mining (except Energy) - 3 4442.31%

Metal mining - 1 1040.74%

Gold mining - 8810.59%

Gold ore mining - 2050.14%
Placer gold mining - 1430.10%
Gold extraction plant - 810.05%

Copper mining - 400.03%

Zinc mining - 50.00%

Iron ore mining - 430.03%

Chromium mining - 10.00%

Tungsten mining - 20.00%

Other - 380.03%

Diamond mining - 310.02%

Mineral processing - 3150.21%

Open pit - 2590.17%

Underground mining - 1810.12%

Crushing plant - 330.02%

Stone, sand mining - 1050.07%

Granite mining - 70.00%

Road metal production - 250.02%

Sand mining - 400.03%

Other - 60.00%

Asbestos mining - 30.00%

Uranium mining, enrichment - 110.01%

Phosphate mining - 190.01%

Alumina production - 60.00%

Clay mining - 40.00%

Limestone mining - 30.00%

Peat mining - 30.00%

Salt mining - 160.01%

Other - 2160.14%

Metallurgy - 8900.60%

Metal production - 1250.08%

Rolled metal production - 720.05%

Metal casting - 1190.08%

Metal hardware production - 80.01%

Smithy, forge - 280.02%

Metal pipes production - 410.03%

Hydrometallurgy - 210.01%

Electrometallurgy - 140.01%

Wire rod production - 30.00%

Other - 1050.07%

Forestry and forest products - 6580.44%

Forestry - 920.06%

Timber industry - 1790.12%

Wood production - 2420.16%

Plywood production - 80.01%

Sawmill - 520.03%

Joinery - 690.05%

Pallet production, repair - 10.00%

Chipboard production - 60.00%

Timber beam production - 40.00%

Other - 130.01%

Paper, cardboard production - 280.02%

Wood chemical plant - 70.00%

Paper products manufacturing - 40.00%

Other - 160.01%

Furniture and supplements production - 7940.53%

High-Tech - 3580.24%

Military production - 3690.25%

Arms production - 380.03%

Machinery, equipment and tools manufacturing - 2 9832.00%

Transport means, parts and accessories production - 6630.44%

Engine production - 420.03%

Manufacturing of engineering equipment - 690.05%

Production equipment manufacturing - 720.05%

Road construction, construction machinery and equipment manufacturing - 250.02%

Tractor manufacturing - 110.01%

Agricultural and garden machinery, equipment manufacturing - 180.01%

Power energy machinery manufacturing - 450.03%

Industrial and professional tools manufacturing - 370.02%

Telecommunications equipment production - 100.01%

Testing, measurement, control devices manufacturing - 880.06%

Electrical equipment and components manufacturing - 710.05%

Light fixtures manufacturing - 400.03%

Medical equipment and tools manufacturing - 80.01%

Retail equipment manufacturing - 2450.16%

Refrigerating equipment manufacturing - 100.01%

Modular equipment manufacturing - 70.00%

Oil and gas equipment manufacturing - 630.04%

Drilling equipment manufacturing - 180.01%

Metalworking - 2410.16%

Metal frames production - 2310.15%

Welding production - 1520.10%

Bearing production, selling - 70.00%

Hydraulics production - 40.00%

Production tanks manufacturing - 50.00%

Pipeline fixture production - 150.01%

Lifting equipment manufacturing - 150.01%

Pump manufacturing - 80.01%

Compressor manufacturing - 30.00%

Chains production - 10.00%

Steam generator manufacturing - 10.00%

Other - 1160.08%

Printing - 3 2332.17%

Printing plant - 2560.17%

Screen printing - 60.00%

Plastic card printing - 10.00%

Fast printing - 2 5241.69%

Offset printing - 80.01%

Flexography - 90.01%

Photographic printing - 40.00%

Textiles - 1800.12%

Carpet factory - 10.00%

Agricultural production - 1 2110.81%

Animal husbandry - 3280.22%

Poultry farm - 1000.07%

Milk farm - 660.04%

Fish breeding - 160.01%

Horse breeding - 80.01%

Cattle breeding - 490.03%

Beekeeping - 60.00%

Pig breeding - 240.02%

Deer breeding - 10.00%

Fur farming - 20.00%

Horticulture - 2800.19%

Glasshouse - 830.06%

Gardening - 400.03%

Floriculture, flower farming - 90.01%

Vegetable growing - 290.02%

Seed farming - 110.01%

Grain growing - 380.03%

Viticulture - 10.00%

Animal feed manufacturing - 170.01%

Hunting - 270.02%

Agrochemical services - 110.01%

Agricultural land improvement - 70.00%

Other - 760.05%

Fishery, fish products - 4710.32%

Wild nature products - 790.05%

Various manufacturing - 3 9882.67%

Other - 1 5031.01%

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