>  Advanced search >  Rzhev > 
results by industry : 51 resumes
 > results by function

Service - 45

Retailing, Wholesaling - 8

Technical treatment, support, repair - 2

Financial services - 3

Audit, accounting services - 1

Advertising services - 6

Marketing services and statistics - 1

Information Technologies - 9

Construction, assembling, refurbishment - 3

Transportation Services and Logistics - 6

Health care services - 2

Recruitment - 1

Government, state offices - 1

Military, police, guarding, rescue - 4

Various services - 2

Other - 2

Manufacturing - 9

Consumer goods manufacturing - 3

Construction materials production - 1

Other - 1

Energy - 2

Furniture and supplements production - 1

Machinery, equipment and tools manufacturing - 1

Agricultural production - 1

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